Sampa Kids Pizza Party – Martial Arts Rewards
Hey guys, we’re going to have our Sampa Kids Pizza Party next Friday the 15th at 6:30 PM. It’s going be crazy amounts of fun; we’ll have games, pizza and host of other goodies. Not only that but we’re going to be doing a class as well. This will include aspects and techniques from Karate, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Wrestling, Judo and various other Martial Arts. The party will go for three hours, the cost is going to be $15 for students, and is open to ages 4-11. So come check it out and we will have some crazy awesome fun!!
Check out this video from last years party!
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Renato Migliaccio
Head Coach,
Sampa Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts Academy
Glendora, California
(626) 335 – 4971