I am having a good time here, learning, studying, reading and sharing BJJ.
I already cannot wait to go back and implement things that I have learned.
One is Zurkhaneh a ancient sport done by the Persian soldiers and to this day practiced as a sport in countries like Iran and Azerbaijan, India etc. The best wrestlers in the world train that for their strength and flexibility so we will do it too. I am already thinking of ways to have it incorporated in our classes.
The other news is about a great book made for children that I had the chance to read and talks about BJJ and hard work and I will give the chance to all our kids to read, get texted and earn extra stripes for their belts, that is how important I think the book is.
I will talk more later about it!
I had the chance to meet great BJJ people yesterday and teach BJJ, wow they treated me like a king. There is not a single black belt in the country and they are hungry to learn. Great hospitality everywhere you go.
I had the chance also to meet the president of the federation a very noble man and very respected here for what he has done for the other forms of martial arts here like Karate and Ju Jutsu.
The training was Saturday night at 8 pm and after we went out to eat because the majority of them are Muslims and they are fasting this month and only being able to eat in the evening.
All restaurants were open we would never have people training at that time in Glendora neither restaurants open, maybe in and out LOL.
Again I love to experience the differences and habits of people.
I will share more soon, But now time for Upcoming classes at Sampa.
Recently we brought another world class level instructor, Prof. Celso Venicius, and this time the students understood the importance of being in this class and came out to support the three times Black belt division IBJJF World Champion.
Great Attendance congrats!
Later in September we will have Mr. Angelo Collado teaching self-defense against knives and in October a Italian police officer special force teaching, knife self-defense, K-1 kickboxing and self-defense against guns or awareness, because we all believe that if you engage in a confrontation where guns and knives are available you have great chance of getting injured so we want to minimize the chance of injuries.
Also starting June 15th we will have our judo classes every Thursday at 8:30 pm after advanced BJJ class. Do not miss this opportunity to step up your game and learn great balance and throws. You are only required to pay an annual fee of $50 to the USJA to participate. That is awesome!
DON’T FORGET SUMMER TRAINING (SHOCHUGEIKO) with Richar and Henrique every Sunday in the morning for only $49.00 Until they leave in September.
Thank You for Your time!
Prof. Renato
If you want to be a part of our Sampa family and to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muy Thai, Kickboxing, Krav Maga, or Self Defense from us, please call (626)335-4971 to reach our Glendora location or (626)977-1050 for our Walnut location.